Financial Information

Stock Name WALSIN
Stock Code 1605
Market Type TWSE-Listed
Industry Type Electrical & Cable
Principal Activities Wire & Cable, Stainless Steel manufacturing and sales
Date of Establishment 1966-12-02
Date of Listing 1972-11-03
Capital NT$ 40,313,329,480
Chairman Yu-Lon Chiao
Principal Office 25F, No.1, Songzhi Rd., Taipei 11047, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Number of Employees Approx. 10,000
Stock Transfer Contact Walsin Lihwa Shareholders Service Office, website:
Auditors Deloitte & Touche
Tel 886-2-8726-2211
Fax 886-2-2720-2234
Prospectuses Prospectuses of Market Observation Post System

2024 Monthly Sales Reports

  • Jan

    In NT$ billion

    Consolidated 2024 2023 YoY Change
    Jan 13.55 15.16 -10.64
    Jan-Jan 13.55 15.16 -10.64
  • Feb

    In NT$ billion

    Consolidated 2024 2023 YoY Change
    Feb 11.79 17.87 -34.03
    Jan-Feb 25.34 33.03 -23.30
  • Mar

    In NT$ billion

    Consolidated 2024 2023 YoY Change
    Mar 15.20 17.64 -13.84
    Jan-Mar 40.54 50.68 -20.00
  • Apr

    In NT$ billion

    Consolidated 2024 2023 YoY Change
    Apr 15.22 16.25 -6.31
    Jan-Apr 55.76 66.93 -16.68
  • May

    In NT$ billion

    Consolidated 2024 2023 YoY Change
    May 15.68 17.71 -11.48
    Jan-May 71.44 84.64 -15.59
  • Jun

    In NT$ billion

    Consolidated 2024 2023 YoY Change
    Jun 17.46 15.51 12.56
    Jan-Jun 88.90 100.15 -11.23

2024 Quarterly Reports

Credit Rating

Agency Long-term Short-term Outlook
Taiwan Ratings* twA- twA-2 Stable

*Taiwan Ratings ( is Standard & Poor’s subsidiary in Taiwan.

Outstanding Domestic Corporate Bond – NTD Corporate Bond

Issue Issue Date Tenor (year) Issued amount
(NTD billions)
Coupon rate (%)
1st Unsecured Corporate Bond
Issue in 2021
2021/10/08 5 7.5 0.70
1st unsecured corporate bonds of Walsin
Lihwa Corporation in 2023 -A
2023/04/11 5 3.0 1.70
1st unsecured corporate bonds of Walsin
Lihwa Corporation in 2023 -B
2023/04/11 10 2.3 2.10
Total Outstanding 12.8

Note: All data as of 2023/04/11

Institutional Investor Relations

Investor Relations
TEL: 886-2-8726-2211

Shareholder Relations

Ying Yao Lee
TEL: 886-2-2790-5885 ext. 6289