Legal Notices

Terms of Use

Welcome to the website of Walsin Lihwa Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as the “Company”). Please read these terms carefully before browsing this website. The Company considers your browsing or using this website your agreement to these terms. If you disagree, please leave this website immediately and do not download any information from it. Any unauthorized use of any materials on this website may violate copyright, trademark, and privacy laws as well as relevant communication laws and regulations.

Intellectual Property Right and Trademark

The Company or other right owners have the intellectual property rights of this website including but not limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights, and proprietary technologies of software, programs, publications, and works, which include but are not limited to text, audios and videos, information, graphics, photographs, sounds, animations, sitemaps, webpage layouts, and webpage designs among others. The Company may allow you to browse, print, download, or store data from this website as long as you do so for personal and non-profit purposes. However, unless you have the Company’s specific written consent, you are not allowed to reproduce, broadcast, exhibit, transmit, and/or distribute data from this website or use such data for other commercial purposes.

Prior written consent by the Company is required for any use of Walsin Lihwa, Walsin, and/or the logo and trademark owned by the Company. All the registered trademarks disclosed on this website belong to their registrants.


The information provided on this website is provided on an “as is” basis, and the Company makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, suitability, and non-infringement of such information. The Company reserves the right to change the information provided on this website without prior notice. Unless the Company provides explicitly a written guarantee for the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the information disclosed on this website, you are advised not to use such information as your reference for investment.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall the Company be liable to any direct, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages to you possibly resulting from your browsing this website, including but not limited to the loss of profits or data, whether in an action in contract or tort or otherwise, resulting from your use of this website and any other linked sites, or any disclosure of documents on this website and any other linked sites. However, the Company has already reminded you of such possible damages to you.

Links to Other Sites

This website’s links to 3rd party websites are provided only for your reference. When you use any of such links, your browser will take you away from this website. The Company does not and is unable to review or control 3rd party websites, and you are solely at your own risk to visit any linked 3rd party websites.

Data Changes

The Company reserves the right to add, delete, and modify the information on this website and the terms of use anytime without prior notice.