Walsin Lihwa Corporation announces its stand alone as well as consolidated financial statements of 2011 first 2 quarter on 25th August. The company’s net operating revenue from January through June this year is approx. NT$39.03 billion, a decrease of 3.2% compared to 2010. The consolidated net operating revenue reached NT$99.59 billion, an increase of 4.7% compared to 2010. The operating gross profit reached NT$2.4 billion and the consolidated one reached NT$3.6 billion. The income from operations is NT$ 1.4 billion, and consolidated income from operations is NT$863 million. Net income after tax reached NT$ 260 million, earnings per share at NT$ 0.07.
Walsin Lihwa Corporation, established in 1966, has been the leading manufacturer for copper wires and rods, power cables, and specialty steel in the greater China region.